FIFA World Cup Champions

This page looks at how successful each country has been in the FIFA World Cup

Winning Countries

This table depicts how many times each country has been on the World Cup podium.

Country Winner Runner-Up Third
Brazil 5 2 2
Italy 4 2 1
Germany FR 3 3 1
Uruguay 2 0 0
Argentina 2 3 0
England 1 0 0
France 1 1 2
Spain 1 0 0
Germany 1 1 3
Netherlands 0 3 1
Czechoslovakia 0 2 0
Hungary 0 2 0
Sweden 0 1 2
Poland 0 0 2
USA 0 0 1
Austria 0 0 1
Chile 0 0 1
Portugal 0 0 1
Croatia 0 0 1
Turkey 0 0 1
World Cup Winner Visualization

This graph compares how many times each country has won first, second, or third place in the FIFA World Cup. Here, we can see that Brazil has the most World Cup Championships than any other country at 5 wins. It is far more likely for teams that have gotten to third place to not to have placed higher than that. Less than half the countries that have been on the podium have actually won a World Cup.

Home Field Advantage?

The hosting country has only won at home 25% of the time. Most of the time, a home field advantage doesn not actually help the home team.

Home Team Goals by Stage

In this graph, we see how many goals have been scored by each team in each stage of the world cup. This look at the "home team," which is a sample size of the teams that have played. The color indicates how many goals were scored by each team in each group. With the exception of Group 5, the group stage tends to be the most high scoring. There is a pretty steady decrease form teh group stage into the preliminary rounds. THe Semi and Quarter finals seem to be the next high scoring, and the Third Place Match and Final are far lower scoring. Most teams score around 2 to 4 goals per match. Group 2 is the group with the most high scoring games of any other group.

Total Goals Per Country

This graph shows how many goals each country has scored over its tenure at the World Cup. Here, we see that Brazil has scored more goals than any other country. Brazil has scored 92 more goals than Italy, which is the next highest goalscoring team. The data decreases very significantly and continues asymptotically, primarily due to fewer World Cup appearances.